ELTA Connect– The new legal tech networking platform for Europe (and the world)

By Patrick Häde

At ELTA’s first legal tech conference in Berlin a few weeks ago, the European Legal Tech Association was not only officially founded, we also introduced and launched a new online networking platform for our members and for everyone else interested in legal tech.

Though we kept ELTA Connect to a slim level of everything one would need to discover what is European in Legal Tech, its launch has been a great success. To this date, ELTA Connect already features more than 200 organization and user profiles and our database not only keeps growing, we also see first interactions with the posting feature our platform provides.

With its browse page, ELTA Connect provides an easy view to discover people and organizations in Legal Tech, sorted by categories or tags. Its map view gives and overview of different locations and makes Legal Tech hubs visible at a quick glance.

For ELTA members, ELTA Connect offers the unique possibility to see all contact info from personal and organization accounts and thus provides an easy way to get in touch and share common interests.

We will continue working on ELTA Connect in the future and are always open towards feedback on how we could improve this platform.

I am very happy to have had the chance to work on this project together with my wunderfactory team and we are looking forward to what is next in European Legal Tech!